découvrez la méthode bye bye allergies avec audrey leluc bba 1

Discover the Bye Bye Allergy Method with Audrey Leluc

Why choose the Bye Bye Allergy Method?

I’m Audrey Leluc, a practitioner with a passion for well-being who specialises in the Bye Bye Allergy method.

The Bye Bye Allergies method, renowned for its gentle, non-invasive energetic approach, is the result of a unique combination of techniques (kinesiology, acupressure, Chinese energetics) designed to energetically rebalance the body and mind in the face of allergens.

Let’s explore together how this method can improve your everyday well-being.

Tariff 2024


First session



Follow-up session


Bye Bye Allergies ®” is an exclusively energetic method: as such, it works on a different level to medicine. It is not a substitute for, nor a substitute for, medical diagnosis and treatment.

All the statements made on this site, even when not individually specified, relate solely to the energetic sphere: they do not in any way concern one or more elements that fall within the scope of medicine, which alone is capable of making medical diagnoses and treatments.

Improve your well-being with Bye Bye Allergies

amelioration de votre bien etre avec bye bye allergies 1

The Foundations of the Method

The Bye Bye Allergies method is based on a simple but powerful principle: treat the underlying cause of the allergy, i.e. the condition rather than its symptoms.

By stimulating specific points on the body, it aims to re-educate your body to stop over-reacting to allergens.

As the method is based on rebalancing the ground, this holistic approach (physical and emotional) doesn’t just provide temporary relief, but works towards a lasting resolution of your allergies.

Detailed outline of a session

temps d’écoute bye bye allergie almagy

1- Listening time

I am entirely available to discuss your motivations, your physical discomforts and your emotional
and your emotional journey. I’ll explain the Bye Bye Allergy method in detail.

evaluation du terrain bye bye allergie almagy

2- Site assessment

Using a highly effective, non-invasive neuromuscular test, while you hold an energetically-informed allergen vial, I determine which allergens your body is not managing energetically. We take stock of your condition.

reprogrammation bye bye allergie 1

3- Reprogramming

Using specific points along the back, I instruct the body to deal with this allergen (Acupressure on the meridians of the back). You stay in contact with this vial for about 20 minutes.
It’s a moment of rest and relaxation for you.

éviction Bye bye allergie BBA almagy

4- Eviction

The avoidance period for adults is 25 hours and 6 hours for children.
This is where you play an active role.
For example, you should avoid eating or touching anything with an egg base
for 25 hours.

manuel daccompagnement bye bye allergie

Support manual

A handbook will be given to you at your first session and will help you throughout your course.
throughout your treatment.
It summarises the elements needed to ensure that the eviction is carried out in the best possible conditions, as well as the method.
as possible, as well as the method.

Who is this method for?

This method is aimed at children, adults and pets suffering from allergies, intolerances, respiratory sensitivities, food sensitivities, skin disorders, reactions to animal hair, digestive disorders, joint disorders, drug rejections, etc…

Complementary to allopathy, this method does not interfere with any type of treatment. As an energetic method, it does not use drugs and has no side-effects or collateral health risks.

a qui sadresse cette methode

My Personal Approach

In my practice, I am committed to providing tailor-made support, adapted to your history and your specific needs. Each session, designed with empathy and professionalism, is a step towards greater well-being and renewed energy. My aim is to offer you a safe space where you can explore and overcome your allergies with confidence.

What you can expect

A Made-to-Measure Solution for Your Allergies

Whether you suffer from seasonal or food allergies, allergies to other substances or even emotional allergies, the Bye Bye Allergies method offers an adaptable solution.

My expertise enables me to tackle a wide range of allergies, getting to the root of them to give you real and lasting relief.

une solution sur mesure pour vos allergies

Your Journey to renewed well-being

The programme begins with a detailed assessment of your condition using a neuromuscular test borrowed from kinesiology, to develop a personalised treatment plan.

Each session is dedicated to an allergen that initially corresponds to your condition. Then, as the treatment progresses, we can focus on an allergen and an emotion to maximise effectiveness while ensuring your comfort.

Follow-up is essential for me, because it guarantees that the results achieved will stick and that you will be satisfied in the long term.

With a high success rate, the Bye Bye Allergies method has enabled many people to regain a forgotten quality of life.

These successes are the driving force behind my daily commitment to you and the Bye Bye Allergy method.

votre parcours vers un bien être retrouvé

Important reminder

Bye Bye Allergies is an exclusively energetic method:

it works on a different level to medicine. It is not a substitute for, nor a substitute for, medical care.

Ready to Say Bye Bye to Allergies?

How do you get started?

Your journey to an allergy-free life starts here.

Contact me to schedule your first session. Together we’ll discuss your goals and how the Bye Bye Allergy method can help you achieve them. Don’t let allergies control your life another day.

Contact Audrey Leluc today

To start your journey, call +336 59 00 37 78 or send an email to contact@almagy.fr. You can also fill in the contact form for a quick reply.

Your well-being is my priority, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Everything you need to know about the Bye Bye Allergy Method

Frequently asked questions Bye Bye Allergies method

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