Découvrez la Puissance du Magnétisme avec Audrey Leluc

Discover the Power of Magnetism with Audrey Leluc

I’m Audrey Leluc, a magnetism practitioner. I am committed to accompanying you in your quest for well-being and inner balance. The Arc Énergie ® method, recognised for its unique approach to magnetism, for those seeking to improve their quality of life in a natural way.

Improve Your Energy, Improve Your Life

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What is the Arc Énergie ® Method?

The Arc Énergie ® method is an advanced magnetism practice created by Arnault Richard de Chicourt that focuses on identifying and correcting energy imbalances in the body. It is based on a unique protocol, based on his discovery in 2014 of the laws of hand electricity, which led to the filing of 2 patents with the PARIS Academy of Sciences in 2016 and 2017 for the demonstration of the radiant healing electrical (electrostatic) activity of the hands. Using specific techniques to channel and direct energy, this method aims to restore harmony and stimulate the body’s natural capacities. Whether you are faced with physical or emotional imbalances, the Arc Énergie ® method can offer you a path to deep, lasting well-being.

I’m also a member of the M.A.I.N.S association, whose aim is to raise awareness of the benefits of practising
the practice of magnetism through scientific publications. Its aim is to recognise and
of this non-medicinal approach. Here is the link for more information on this subject: https://www.magnetismeetscience.fr

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40min à 1h


Animal magnetism

40min à 1h


Emotional release

1h à 1h30


Magnetism and addiction


My commitment to your energy

As your magnetism practitioner, my role is to guide you through a personalised process of discovery and energetic revitalisation. Each session is tailored to your unique and specific needs.

I have at heart to follow an ethical framework for a total respect of your person. This charter is mentioned on the website of the M.A.I.N.S association mentioned above. Here is a brief summary:

  • No diagnosis will be made. I am not a doctor, nor am I qualified to do so.
  • I will never recommend stopping a current allopathic treatment or any medical follow-up.
  • I will not give my opinion on medical examinations or treatments.
  • I will respect professional secrecy and exercise the utmost discretion.
  • No judgement will be made on my part about the information you give me.
  • I will do everything in my power to relieve your suffering, whether physical or emotional, within the limits of my resources and skills.
  • In your interest, I will refuse to take any action if I am certain that it is beyond my competence and I will not hesitate to refer you to the competent medical authority.
  • I will never promise a cure.
  • No religious claims will be made, as this remains an intimate matter. Magnetism will never be considered as a divinatory art or occult science.
  • I will show humility, honesty and good faith.

Magnetism in practice

Magnetism is an invaluable aid thanks to its calming, soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious properties:

osteotendinous disorders,

  • skin problems,
  • nervous system disorders,
  • intestinal disorders,
  • burns, inflammation
  • emotional problems (shock, trauma, sleep disorders, stress),
  • support for smoking cessation or addiction (registered Arc Énergie ® method)
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1 – First contact

First of all, I invite you to get in touch with me. During this initial telephone contact, I’ll be at your entire disposal and I’ll listen carefully to your problems and your physical and emotional discomforts. You can explain to me what your expectations are. It is strongly recommended that you see a doctor beforehand to obtain a medical diagnosis. I work as a complement to medicine.

In turn, I ask you a few questions if I need clarification and I check the safety and vigilance points.

To work safely, I need to know your history. Here are the questions I need to ask you:

  • Do you wear a pacemaker?
  • Have you had or do you have epilepsy?
  • Are you currently undergoing psychiatric treatment?
  • Are you diabetic?
  • Do you have a thyroid disorder?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Have you had cancer or are you currently undergoing treatment?
  • Do you have phlebitis?
  • Do you wear a hearing aid?
magnetisme avec audrey leluc premier contact

2 – The magnetism session


We agree on an appointment beforehand so that I can prepare your session as well as possible and adapt a personalised protocol according to your needs.

The length of the session varies according to your needs.

For a magnetism session to relieve physical pain: 45 min-1 hour
For an emotional unblocking session: 1 hour to 1h30
For a session on addictions: 1 hour to 1h30

A – at the office


I prefer face-to-face sessions, and it’s a real pleasure to welcome you to my practice. In a world where everything pushes us to disconnect, I think it’s important to preserve a moment of exchange and contact.

During the session, I’ll explain what I’ll be doing as I go along, so that you can feel completely at ease. The world of energy is quite abstract and I think it’s important to provide you with a reassuring framework.

During the session, you may feel hot, cold or tingling. But you may also feel nothing at all, and that’s fine too. The treatment will be just as effective

B – remotely


Remote magnetism sessions are possible and just as effective. Electromagnetic energy has no limits in space.

I need to have telephone contact and a photo. During the distance session, I recommend that you isolate yourself and take a quiet moment for yourself. I do the treatment from a distance, letting you know when it’s over and explaining the areas being worked on.

Who should attend a magnetism session?

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Magnetism is effective on children, adults and animals. I would stress that animals are very receptive to magnetism. They are very sensitive to human energies. They have no mental block, so we get very good results.

Important reminder

Magnetism is an energetic method: it works on a different level to medicine. It is not a substitute for, or a substitute for, medical treatment, and under no circumstances does it exempt you from medical supervision.

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What you can expect

A personalised path to well-being

Your experience with the Arc Énergie ® method will begin with a full assessment of your current energetic state. This assessment will enable me to personalise your session, specifically targeting the areas that need particular attention. You can expect sessions that soothe and rebalance your energy and well-being.

Your Journey to Balance and Well-Being

Each magnetism session is a step towards reharmonising your vital energy. Working together, we aim to clear energy blockages, reduce stress and promote a sense of peace and renewed vitality. The first step towards a new energy balance starts here. Contact me to discuss your needs and schedule your first session. Let’s explore together how the Arc Énergie method can help you achieve deep and lasting well-being.

Contact Audrey Leluc for a rebalancing of Your Energy

To start your journey towards energetic well-being, call +336. or send an email to contact@almagy.fr . I’m here to answer your questions and help you every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to your questions about magnetism.

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